Dhamma Love Lava

I may never see her face again,

or it may be the last one I ever see,

but I don’t need to know —

because Dhamma Love is what flowed,

A lava of love that melted walls of time and mind,

Drowning in waves of appreciative joy and euphoric awe,

at the causal beauty of it all,

not for your smile and grace,

but for the grace that spun your web of being,

For everything little thing –

for every little moment,

that had to be just so – to make you just so,

Ohh You're not perfect – but perfectly made,

in this stupefying cosmic chain,

Ohh Dhamma Love Dhamma Love,

Just as amber engulfs a moment of time,

Your magnum waterfall sarinaded my being,

For her being...

For beings and being - even being,

and in my heart – you shall sing for eternity.
